Retirement policy

Harrow Council no longer operates a compulsory retirement age.
There is now no upper age limit in respect of employment with Harrow Council.
In the interests of all parties, employees should keep their Manager informed of their plans with regard to retirement as early as possible.


An employee who decides to retire must provide written notice to their line manager in accordance with the terms of their employment.

In addition, they should write separately to the Pensions section to notify them of their intention to retire.

Local Government Pension Scheme

Employees can join the pension scheme up until their 75th birthday.

Employees can continue to contribute to the local government pension scheme up until their 75th birthday.

The local government pension scheme allows employees to draw their local government pension at any time after age 60 years, but if the benefit is drawn before age 65 years, there will be a proportionate reduction in the amount payable.

Details on this and flexible retirement options are available on request from the Pensions section.

Employees must draw their local government pension at 75 years. This does not mean, however, that they will have to stop working at this age.

If you would like to discuss your pension entitlements, please contact the Pensions Section on 020 8424 1186 or Ext 2186 at the Civic Centre.

Teachers’ Pension Scheme

If you would like to discuss your pension entitlements, please contact Teachers’ Pensions, on 0845 6066166, (BT local call rate number) or telephone 01325 745000 (standard national rate number), Minicom 0845 6099899 or fax 01325 745789 or write to Teachers' Pensions, Mowden Hall, Darlington. DL3 9EE.

Or access via their website:

For further information and guidance please contact the HR Service Centre on 0208 901 2655 Ext: 5955.