Discipline - Interviews

 The Investigating Officer will need to identify all the parties involved which may include customers/clients or members of the public as well as other employees.

Witnesses and the employee being investigated must be sent a letter/email advising them of the need for them to be interviewed as part of the investigation and given a minimum of 3 days notice in writing. The letter/email should ask if the interviewee has any special requirements for the interview.

The employee against whom the allegation has been made should be advised that they may be accompanied by their trade union representative or a work colleague.   If they are unaccompanied, the Investigating Officer should check that they are happy to continue without and note this fact.  

When conducting the interviews with the employee and any witnesses, the Investigating Officer should:

  • interview the person making the allegation first
  • seek to establish the date and time of any incident/s
  • clarify who was the person who caused the alleged offence, if applicable
  • establish if any witnesses were present and who they were
  • establish If there is any related paperwork i.e. emails or information i.e. absence sheets
  • establish exactly what happened
  • establish whether the action/behaviour(s) have happened before
  • establish what action the employee took at the time of the incident/s
  • ensure the employee against whom the allegation has been made has received a copy of the Council’s Disciplinary Procedure

During interviews, individuals should be:

  • put at ease
  • advised of any allegations made against them or advised of why they have been called to attend an interview
  • given the opportunity to provide an explanation of what happened
  • ensure the employee against whom the allegation has been made, is asked if there are any further witnesses who they believe should be interviewed as part of the investigation (must be noted)
  • dealt with fairly, reasonably and impartially at all times
  • advised of any support mechanisms available to them
  • advised that they should not discuss the matter with other employees
  • advised of the next stage
  • advised of a contact name should they have queries during the course of the investigation