Sickness absence - appointments

1. Sickness absence - appointments

• GP and Dentist appointments must be taken in the employee’s own time wherever possible.  Where this is not possible, the appointment should be made at the beginning or end of the day (or shift) and the employee should discuss with their manager how the time can be made up. Time will be given for emergency GP and Dentist appointments.

• Where absences for GP, Dentist or Hospital Appointments are for half a day or more will count towards an employee’s sickness absence record for payroll purposes.

• Where absences for GP, Dentist or Hospital Appointments are for less than half a day they do not need to be recorded on SAP but the manager should keep a separate record together with the reason.

• Where an employee makes up the time taken for a GP, Dentist or Hospital appointment, this will not be recorded as part of the employee’s sickness absence record for payroll purposes.  However, the manager should keep a separate record of the fact that the employee has had such an appointment.

• Absence for GP, Dentist or Hospital Appointments will not trigger the Sickness Absence Procedure unless the frequency or reason gives cause for concern. 

• Employees may be asked by their manager to produce evidence of hospital appointments.

• Managers should meet with employees who have frequent Hospital, Dentist, or GP appointments to review the reasons for their absence.  If they are concerned that there may be an underlying reason a referral to the Government’s Fit for Work Scheme or the Council’s Occupational Health Service may be appropriate – a record should be kept of any discussion and action agreed.