Sickness Absence - employee reporting

1. Sickness Absence - employee reporting

• Employees must notify their manager on the first day of their absence from work due to sickness or ensure someone else does this for them as soon as possible.  This should be done within the first hour of their normal start time or shift start time unless otherwise agreed locally.

• Employees should then notify their manager daily of their continued sickness until there is a clear indication of the duration of sickness absence e.g. receipt of a medical certificate, or there are extenuating circumstances.

• Failure by an employee to follow reporting arrangements when absent and/or provide supporting documentation if requested, will be considered as a conduct matter and may result in disciplinary action being taken.

• Unauthorised absence is unpaid.  Managers should write to the individual to inform them that unless a medical certificate is provided by a stipulated date, the period of unauthorised absence will be unpaid and the individual would be subject to the Council's Conduct procedure.