Sickness absence - monitoring periods

10. Monitoring Periods

A monitoring period is the time during which an employee will be expected to improve their levels of sickness absence.

When setting the monitoring period, the manager must ensure:

o The action plan has been discussed and agreed with the employee
o The employee is clear about the expectations of them during the monitoring period
o The employee knows what will be deemed as an acceptable improvement
o They establish how the employee’s progress will be monitored and how an assessment will be made
o The timescale set is realistic in view of the circumstances of the case
o That the employee is aware of the possible consequences of not meeting the required level of attendance
o That a date is set for the end of the monitoring period 
o That the employee is made aware that following the monitoring period, a Formal Meeting will be held to consider their sickness absence record

10.1 Other issues to consider

During any monitoring meetings and formal meetings, consideration should be given to any reasons contributing to the sickness absence.

10.2 Record Keeping

Any issues addressed must be confirmed, in writing and a copy given to the employee as soon as possible following the meeting.