Job sharing
1. Policy
All posts should be eligible for job sharing subject to individual assessment of suitability by the relevant Head of Service. If a job is considered to be unsuitable for job share, a written explanation of reasons for this decision must be given to the employee(s) concerned, on request.
2. Definition
Job Sharing is where 2 employees voluntarily share the duties and responsibilities of one established full time post.
3. General principles
General conditions applicable to full time employees should apply to job sharers jointly unless stated otherwise.
Entitlements for which employees qualify by length of service (long service leave, maternity leave, etc.) should be calculated on a proportional basis according to the number of hours worked, e.g., an employee with 5 years' service will qualify for the appropriate long service leave, proportional to the number of hours worked. Calculation of benefits on a proportional basis will apply unless the Harrow Scheme for Pay and Conditions of Service states otherwise.
4. Procedure for the introduction of job sharing
A proposal to introduce Job Sharing can arise in a number of ways, for example:
- A Manager determining he / she wishes to advertise a vacancy as a job share opportunity, allowing application on a full time or job share basis.
- An existing employee formally applying to Management for a job share arrangement to be agreed in respect of their job.
- A joint application being made by existing employees, full time or part time, to job share where their individual jobs and/or mutual skills and experience are suitable for the proposed job share.
- External application from potential partners outside the authority in response to advertisement either by a single applicant seeking job share or from potential partners.
5. Recruitment / Selection
5.1 Departments are free to advertise any job that becomes vacant as suitable for job sharing. Information concerning suitability should be included as appropriate in the job specification which is sent to all applicants.
5.2 The following types of application may be made:
- Joint internal and external applications
- Individual external and internal applications
- Linked internal / external applications
5.3 Prior to making appointments it is advisable that the appointing officer(s) ensure there is agreement on the broad division of tasks so that the full role expectations of the post are met.
6. Guidelines
All service conditions are applied in the same way as they would to a full time appointment; payment and holidays being in proportion to the number of hours worked.
Specific conditions of service for consideration are listed below:
6.1 Contract of Employment
Each partner to a job share is issued with an individual contract of employment.
The hours to be worked should be individually stated for each partner to the job share.
6.2 Interview Expenses
Joint applicants are entitled, where appropriate, to the reimbursement of full interview expenses.
6.3 Probationary Service
A job sharer whose suitability for employment is subject to the satisfactory completion of a probationary period will be assessed as an individual.
6.4 Annual Leave
Entitlement to annual leave (including extra statutory and locally agreed additional days) is proportional to the number of hours worked in relation to the normal working week. The entitlement is converted to working hours in order to avoid any confusion which may arise due to complex working arrangements.
6.5 Sick Leave and Sick Pay
Entitlement to sick leave is based on reckonable length of service calculated on an individual basis, and payments for periods of sickness is made on a proportional basis according to the number of hours worked.
6.6 Maternity Leave
As for sick leave.
6.7 Training
Training is allocated on an individual basis and not a pro-rata basis.
6.8 Rate of Pay and Increments
The starting salary will be in accordance with the usual starting formula and then calculated as a proportion based on the number of hours worked by that person. It is, therefore, possible that job sharers sharing the same number of hours will not receive the same salary.
Normal incremental progression will apply.
6.9 Adjustments to Working Arrangements
Adjustments will be contained within the concept of 36 hour post which is job shared.
Where one partner is absent from work for any reason it does not automatically follow that the other partner should cover.
6.10 Termination of Employment
a) If one half of the job share partnership terminates his/her employment, the vacant hours may be offered to the remaining job sharer.
b) If the remaining postholder does not wish to take up full-time employment, the hours may be advertised in accordance with the Council's Recruitment and Selection Procedure.
c) If it is not possible to recruit to the remaining hours, the situation will be reviewed to determine whether the job share arrangement should continue.
d) If it is not feasible to continue the job share arrangement, the existing job share postholder will be found suitable alternative employment with due regard given to grade, status and career progression.
Reference will be made in the employee's Appointment Letter to the Job Share Scheme "Guide for Employees" which describes the consequences of this situation.
6.11 Overtime
Only hours in excess of 40 attract overtime rates.
With job sharers additional hours may occur through:
- attendance at evening meetings, or occasions outside normal working hours
- additional hours within the "normal" working week of 36 hours.
In the event of (a) sharers would receive the appropriate rates for evening attendance or the relevant premium rate if the job sharer is not subject to PRP conditions.
In (b) plain time rates would be paid up to 40 hours worked per person.
Time Off in Lieu may also be considered as compensation for additional hours worked.
6.12 Public Holidays
Public Holidays will be allocated in hours to job sharers according to the number of hours they work.