Long service awards
1. Introduction
Long service awards are made to employees by the Authority in recognition of their length and continuity of service with this Borough.
2. Eligibility
In order to qualify for an award, the employee must have had 25 years continuous service with Harrow.
Total service with the London Borough of Harrow will count even if there have been breaks provided these are solely for the purpose of caring for an immediate relative (including maternity breaks) and the employee has not pursued any alternative employment during that time.
3. When they are made
Long service awards should be made on, or as near to, the date on which the employee has accrued 25 years continuous service.
4. Value
This is a cash award to the value of £400 (this sum is reviewed on a 3 yearly basis).
5. Who presents it
Subject to the wishes of the employee, the award will usually be presented by Chief Officers.
6. Authorisation
Authorisation for payment of an award will be made by the Departmental Personnel Manager at the request of the Chief Officer concerned. Payment will be made from the directorate’s budget.